Top Ten Tuesday 1

For this week's Top Ten Tuesday, I share with you the things that make me instantly want to read a book.

  1. If it's written by Emily Henry. I enjoyed Book Lovers so much that I instantly bought Happy Place the day it came out.
  2. If the adaptation (movie or series) looks interesting. You know how sometimes you'll see a trailer for a movie, or an upcoming series and part of the trailer is a mention that it's based on a novel? Yeah, if that short of a clip catches my attention, it will be immediately added to my TBR.
  3. If I enjoyed the adaptation. I recently got into Shadow and Bone. I watched the first season without ever reading the books first. I'm usually a read-the-book-first kind of person, but I was bored one evening and I happened to decide on checking out the show. And well, here we are and about to start Six of Crows.
  4. If it's recommended by a co-worker. Being surrounded with bookish people who have different genre preferences is one of the many perks of working in a bookstore.
  5. If it's written by Alice Oseman. I already love Heartstopper before the adaptation came out. I fell in love with even more when I got to watch the Netflix series. I cried from start to finish. I have since been working through reading the "Oseman-verse".
  6. Achillean fiction / representation. I have a thing for MLM fiction. If a book has this, I am reading it.
  7. If it's getting a lot of hype online. I am very easily influenced. Haha!
  8. If my husband recommends it. My husband is not a very big reader, so when he recommends a book I make it a point to read it as soon as I can. This was how I was introduced to Orson Scott Card.
  9. For audiobooks: if I like the narrator. I have an unhealthy obsession with Kit Young. I am currently listening to The Rise of The School for Good and Evil just to hear his voice.
  10. If the summary of the book seems interesting to me. Remember when I mentioned I worked in a bookstore? Once in a while, when a book catches my attention, I read the summary and if it sounds interesting enough I either buy a copy or check our local library.

How about you? What are the things that make you instantly want to read a book?

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and The Bookish and is currently being hosted on That Artsy Reader Girl.

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  • Dedra @ A Book Wanderer says:

    Yes to Emily Henry! But it was Beach Read that hooked me. Unfortunately, none of her follow-up books have been as good for me, but I've still enjoyed them. 🙂

    • Yvan says:

      Book Lovers was my first Emily Henry! And I'm currently working my way through Happy Place. 🙂

  • Stefani says:

    I've abandoned many an audiobook because of the narrator so I absolutely understand that. Happy reading! My TTT

    • Yvan says:

      Luckily I have not encountered a narrator that I don't like listening to. 🙂

  • Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books) says:

    #8 is actually the opposite for me. My husband's reading tastes are a lot different than mine. Usually, if he recommends a book, I run the other way! Ha ha. We did both like PROJECT HAIL MARY, though, and we're enjoying listening to SURRENDER by Bono together. So, I guess his taste isn't ALL bad. Just different from mine.

    Happy TTT!


    • Yvan says:

      Oh I love that you two are able to find a book that you both enjoy!

  • I totally forgot about audiobook narrators. I'm not a huge audiobook listener but when I find a narrator I enjoy I do tend to pick other books up they have narrated.

    • Yvan says:

      Right? And it's also so much more entertaining to listen to the audiobook if you like the narrator!
