WWW Wednesday No. 1
WWW Wednesday is hosted by TAKING ON A WORLD OF WORDS where in we share our answers to these three questions:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?
Currently Reading

I'm currently reading three books coming in to July:
- Hungry Hearts - which I'm enjoying so far. It's a collection of stories centred on food on Hungry Hearts Row.
- Winter - Ah, the conclusion to The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. I'm a little upset I haven't finished the series already.
- The Goldfinch - I have heard great and bad things mostly about writing preferences. So far it's going ok.
Recently Finished

Under The Table by Stephanie Evanovich was our June pick in our online book club. I didn't particularly enjoy this book because it had certain characteristics I found to be inconsistent and unbelievable.
Reading Next

I'm kind of glad our online book club simply announced we were reading Layla F. Saad's Me And White Supremacy. The Black Lives Matter Movement is thriving during these times and I think it's important, especially for future generations, that we educate ourselves. We can't truly be an ally unless we have the foundation to help us stand firm for what we believe.
Let me just say I'm very excited to start this today, and for the coming discussion.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts about them, or if they're on your TBR list on the comments section.
See you next time, and have a great day!