2023 Reading Goals

My 2023 TBR "Jar"

The time has come to set up yet another yearly reading goal.

A little related update: I started a new job at a bookstore last June. This new job led me to have more physical books than usual because your girl has no "shelf-control", hahaha! The amount of books I have amassed in the last six months is the main contributor to the decision of having a TBR jar for 2023. Thanks to my 8-year-old's enthusiasm to help, I now have a Parmesan container as a TBR "jar".

I pretty much have 2 goals this year:

  1. Read 20 books. I don't think I will ever change this number. For the past few years, 20 books have given me the satisfaction of it being achievable, and the possibility of being able to read more.
  2. Read what I currently have / own and limit my book spending. This is where my TBR jar comes in. The rule is simple: I have to read 5 books from the jar before I can buy 1 book. If I'm interested in purchasing a boxed set, the number of books I need to read is equivalent to 5 x n (where n = the number of books in the boxed set). For example, if I want to buy a Lord Of The Rings Boxed Set which contains 4 books, I will have to read 20 books. So yeah, 1 new book = 5 read owned books.

It's early yet to say if I'll be able to stick to these goals given I didn't include any library books, or Netgalley books / ARC. However, I am hopeful. I am determined to read as much as I can of those I already own.

So here's to a new reading year; and for everyone else who has set a reading goal this year: GOOD LUCK!

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