2023 Reading Goals

The time has come to set up yet another yearly reading goal.
A little related update: I started a new job at a bookstore last June. This new job led me to have more physical books than usual because your girl has no "shelf-control", hahaha! The amount of books I have amassed in the last six months is the main contributor to the decision of having a TBR jar for 2023. Thanks to my 8-year-old's enthusiasm to help, I now have a Parmesan container as a TBR "jar".
I pretty much have 2 goals this year:
- Read 20 books. I don't think I will ever change this number. For the past few years, 20 books have given me the satisfaction of it being achievable, and the possibility of being able to read more.
- Read what I currently have / own and limit my book spending. This is where my TBR jar comes in. The rule is simple: I have to read 5 books from the jar before I can buy 1 book. If I'm interested in purchasing a boxed set, the number of books I need to read is equivalent to 5 x n (where n = the number of books in the boxed set). For example, if I want to buy a Lord Of The Rings Boxed Set which contains 4 books, I will have to read 20 books. So yeah, 1 new book = 5 read owned books.
It's early yet to say if I'll be able to stick to these goals given I didn't include any library books, or Netgalley books / ARC. However, I am hopeful. I am determined to read as much as I can of those I already own.
So here's to a new reading year; and for everyone else who has set a reading goal this year: GOOD LUCK!