WWW Wednesday # 2
WWW Wednesday is hosted by TAKING ON A WORLD OF WORDS where in we share our answers to these three questions:
- What are you currently reading?
- What did you recently finish reading?
- What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading
We Have Always Been Here by Samra Habib which was one of my anniversary presents this year; Bird Box by Josh Malerman (because I really want to watch the movie, and because it's October why not spook myself LOL); That Holiday Feeling which is a three story collection from Debbie Macomber, Sherryl Woods and Robyn Carr.

Recently Finished
Craft A Life You Love by Amy Tangerine which is half self-help, half motivational book focusing on the importance on setting time for your creative outlets especially if it helps feed your soul.

Reading Next
Home For The Holidays, and Small Town Christmas by Debbie Macomber because apparently the next month and a half of Hallmark Channel's Countdown To Christmas is not enough... No, I'm really just very much in to the Christmas season.
Have you read any of these books? Let me know your thoughts about them, or if they're on your TBR list on the comments section.
See you next time, and have a great day!